Assessing The Self
Once we both have a clear understanding of your career counseling goals, we’ll work through some assessments. I use a variety of career assessment tools that allow us to get a better understanding of what industries and occupations might align best with you as a person.
We’ll assess for strengths, skills, personality, values, interests, and workplace fit, among others. We will also look at how all of those pieces of you aligned (or didn’t) with past work experiences.
Some of the career assessments I use are:
The Strong Interest Inventory
The SKILLS assessment
The MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) Career Report
Career Construction Interview
Values card sorts
Job history worksheet
The way I like to think of assessments is like different “slices” of a person. No one assessment will give us a definitive answer, but by combining all of them and looking for points of intersections and patterns, this can help the career coaching process point to some viable options.
Usually from this process we’ll come up with about 3-5 options for further exploration, which then takes us into the Exploration phase!