Accepting new clients? Say so!

Therapists: have you ever searched for a new therapist for yourself? In my experience, and in what I hear from others, it's quite hard to get them to call you back. Why is this? It turns out many mental health practitioners have full practices and aren't taking new clients. But instead of stating that on their website, voicemail, or insurance company listings, they simply don't return new client requests. This leaves prospective clients confused/hopeful/disappointed.

So, if you are accepting new clients, how can you distinguish yourself in your local market? Update your website to say you are taking new clients. Update your voicemail to say you are taking new clients. It's really that simple.

By updating your website and voicemail to state that you are taking new clients, there may be other benefits. For example, one colleague reported that she received a huge bump in new client referrals when she added to her website that she was taking new clients.

Of course, don't forget that if your practice becomes full, be sure to update your website and voicemail to say you are currently full.


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